
Champion of the Year: Western NY

Unites and recognizes the community’s most active leaders in the name of inclusion.

November 8, 2024

7:00 PM | Webster, NY

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Thank You!

Thank you for participating in this year’s Champion of the Year event! Because of you, we were able to raise funds to sustain and help expand our Best Buddies programs in the area. We look forward to having you at next year’s event. With your help and support, our mission of inclusion lives on!

Western NY Tailgate of Champions

Best Buddies Champion of the Year is a competitive fundraising campaign that unites and recognizes leaders of inclusion in local communities nationwide.

Champion Candidates commit to raising funds and awareness for Best Buddies throughout their campaign. Our Champions advocate for the Best Buddies mission and will generate countless opportunities for friendships, jobs, leadership development, inclusive living, and family support. At the Best Buddies Champion of the Year celebration, we honor the Champions’ collective impact and name the ultimate Champion of the Year!

MVP Check In: 6pm-630pm
General Admission Check In: 630PM
(will receive email confirmation of when to come in days prior)
TAILGATE FUN 6pm-815pm: Enjoy Food from local companies including Wegmans and Salvatores, visit our food truck Curbside Quesadilla, Stop by our partner vendors, Enjoy yard games, visit our Auction, Visit the “concession stand” to potentially win a custom piece of jewelry! Enjoy Music from The Dapper Rats
Coin Toss/ National Anthem: all guests head into the seating area for the Big Game!!! We will have our first interactive game of “Heads or Tails” and National Anthem will be sung by out very own Anthony Vignare!
1st Quarter: Meet our MC Terry Clifford and Hear about our Community Champions of the Year!
2nd Quarter: Let’s play the DASH!!! Another group-based activity that gives you the opportunity to win a 2-night stay at The Lake House!
Halftime: Special Guest Performance- Auction will close!
3rd Quarter: Mission Moment meet Ariana and Mia and hear about what being in Best Buddies for most of your life looks like!
4th: Live Appeal, can you be a game changer for Best Buddies? Paddle Drop will also be included to win a 2-night stay at the Sugar House at Kettle Ridge Farm!

Trophy Ceremony: Who will win Champion of The Year? Place your bets!

Stay and party the night away!! Don’t forget to pick up your Auction winnings!!


Friday, November 8, 2024
VIP Pre Game: 6:00 PM
Warm Up: 7:00 PM

First Quarter: 7:30 PM
Second Quarter: 8:00 PM
Half Time: 8:30 PM
Third Quarter: 9:00 PM
Fourth Quarter: 9:30 PM
Post Game 10:30 PM

Event Ends: 11:00 PM


Western NY Attire


Evento East
1900 Empire Blvd #630
Webster, NY 14580

Event Contact


Meet our Champion Candidates

Team Dave Nicchitta and Katie Frost

Congrats to our 2024 Western NY Champion of the Year

Team Dave Nicchitta and Katie Frost

Raised $3,715 for Best Buddies in Western NY

Team Dave Nicchitta and Katie Frost

New York: Western NY

Team Dave Nicchitta and Katie Frost

A Glimpse of the Party...

Tailgate Group
Tailgate Shannon
Tailgate Dave
Tailgate Jae
Tailgate Kettle Ridge
Tailgate Jakob
Tailgate Jennifer
Tailgate Kevyn
Best Buddies Logo

Why Participate...

All funds raised benefit Best Buddies – the largest organization dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people worldwide with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Our programs empower people with IDD to form meaningful friendships with their peers, secure jobs, improve communication and advocacy skills, and live independently, while also offering support for their families.

The IDD community that Best Buddies serves individuals with IDD and their families. The IDD community includes, but is not limited to, people with Down syndrome, autism, Fragile X, Williams syndrome, and other undiagnosed disabilities.

We Love our Sponsors!

Presenting Sponsor

Signature Sponsor

Additional Sponsors

Wegmans Sponsor Logo
Person Centered Services Sponsor Logo
Buffalo Sabres Sponsor Logo
Steinmiller Insurance Sponsor Logo
Camp Smile Sponsor Logo
Romeo Realty Group Sponsor Logo
McCarthy Tents and Events Sponsor Logo
Lalonde Plumbing Sponsor Logo
Strike Back Martial Arts Sponsor Logo
Lake House Sponsor Logo
Manning and Napier Sponsor Logo
Maria Spinelli Photography Sponsor Logo

For sponsorship opportunities and other event inquiries, please contact:
